“Don’t put the cart before the horse” – a classic saying that reminds us not to rush into action without first understanding the fundamentals.
This simple, yet profound piece of advice resonates deeply as the Pharma industry grapples with the rapid evolution of technology, in a sector where precision and careful thought are paramount.
During the recent Reuters Pharma Customer Engagement Europe 2024 event in London, Sabine Louët, SciencePOD Founder and CEO, chaired a panel focused on Pharma digital transformation. The panelists shared their insights, tackling topics ranging from the challenges of upskilling teams for AI integration to the ethical implications of AI in patient care. The panel members included:
● Rita Sarmento, Head of Data, Digital and Technology at Takeda
● Karsten Friedrich, Head of Medical Digital Innovation at AstraZeneca
● Trina Di Guisto, Global CX and Digital Lead at Roche
The panel’s diverse expertise brought fresh perspectives on how healthcare organisations can truly harness digital tools to drive patient care and efficiency. Presented here are their most compelling insights.
Debunking the myths of digital transformation in pharma
The concept of ‘digital transformation’ has generated much excitement within the pharmaceutical industry, but there’s still much debate over its real-world impact and implementation.
There’s a growing sense that despite the talk, many companies are still hesitant to fully embrace digital solutions. Some argue there’s digital inertia in Pharma—companies are talking about change but struggling to take action. Is this digital inertia a myth, or is it the reality that industry leaders face?

Rita Sarmento points out the challenge lies in moving beyond just talking about digital transformation. In her experience, large pharmaceutical companies often face organisational and cultural barriers that slow the adoption of digital tools down, particularly in established processes. “Yes, there’s some inertia,” Rita explains, “but it’s not that companies don’t want to go digital, it’s about finding the right starting point, getting the right leadership buy-in, and ensuring that there’s a solid strategy to move forward.”
Karsten Friedrich echoes this sentiment, adding that while there’s a definite awareness of the importance of digital tools, the shift towards fully embracing them takes time. “Pharma has always been a highly regulated and risk-averse industry, and this impacts how quickly companies can adopt new technologies, especially AI tools,” he said. “It’s about understanding the long-term value and creating an environment where digital innovation can thrive, even with the necessary precautions in place.”

Trina Di Guisto offers another perspective. She believes that while the industry may be slower to adopt certain digital tools, there’s a clear shift taking place. “There’s no doubt that we’re seeing a massive change. The key is recognising that digital tools can enhance every function, from R&D to customer engagement, but companies must be willing to overcome the barriers that might delay progress,” she says.
Digital inertia in pharma may be a reality for some organisations, but it is not inevitable. For a full digital transformation to happen, leaders must prioritise digital literacy and foster a culture of innovation across all departments.

Measuring the real impact of digital in pharma – beyond the vanity metrics
In the world of digital transformation, especially when introducing new AI tools, it’s easy to get caught up recording Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which look great on paper but don’t reflect actual progress, also known as vanity metrics. So, what really matters when measuring the success of new digital strategies in pharma?
Forget the numbers, focus on the outcomes
AI adoption rates and processed data may make for an impressive presentation, but they don’t give the whole story. The real value comes when we look at outcome-driven metrics like better decision-making and faster, more efficient processes. These are the numbers that actually show if digital tools are doing their job. As Trina Di Guisto puts it, success isn’t just about the tools themselves, but how they change the way we work with data.
It’s about integration and engagement
It’s not enough to simply roll out AI tools and call it a day. Success is about how well AI fits into the day-to-day—how well it’s integrated and how much the team engages with it. Employee adoption rates and how often the tools are used in practice are some of the best indicators of whether AI is truly adding value. Karsten Friedrich highlights that overcoming internal resistance to digital change is just as crucial as the technology itself.
What should we be tracking?
Success in rolling out the digital transformation is about tracking metrics that align with a company’s bigger goals. Whether it’s improving patient care, boosting operational efficiency, or keeping the team engaged. The KPIs should reflect the long-term impact of the new AI tools. Rita Sarmento points out that while digital transformation is still evolving, the use of data and technology is already making a tangible difference in decision-making. So, the panel’s advice is to focus on the numbers that truly matter.

The myth of an AI takeover and the people behind it
There’s a prevalent fear around AI—the belief that it will take over everything, from jobs to decision-making, and that people, will soon be irrelevant. But here’s the truth: AI can’t do anything without the right people behind it. The real impact comes from human expertise, creativity and our ability to guide these tools with intent.
There’s a pervasive myth that AI tools will soon take over our lives, but the reality is far different. AI won’t drive change on its own; we need the right people with the right mindset to unlock its potential.
In customer engagement, the relationship between people and AI is key. During the panel discussion, Trina Di Guisto suggests that the challenge often lies in shifting people’s mindsets. “AI tools are only as effective as the people using them,” she says. Field, marketing, and medical teams may have different perspectives on AI adoption. Field teams often need more time to trust the technology, while brand and marketing teams are more open to embracing AI tools for improved customer insights, she explains.
Rita Sarmento also touches on the resistance from some teams, noting that AI adoption isn’t just about deploying a tool—it’s about ensuring the right training and shift in mindset happen within the organisation. Karsten Friedrich agrees, emphasising the importance of a tailored approach to different departments, as AI might be perceived differently across teams, from medical to marketing.
Ultimately, it’s clear: AI adoption will only succeed if people fully embrace the technology, use the right tools and support the transformation to their work.
From field teams to marketing, embracing innovation requires building trust and collaboration across all departments.
Sabine Louët concludes the panel with a reminder that being open to change and fostering awareness is what makes the real impact of digital transformation possible. In addition, cultivating a mindset of being agile and adaptable drives meaningful progress towards greater digital processes in the Pharma industry.
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return false
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headers: {
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The post Unpacking the myths and realities of AI in pharma appeared first on SciencePOD.
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