Prices of all tea varieties have moved up in Coonoor auctions following the arrival of quality brew in the auction platform.
Traders said that the setting of winter has led to quality production in tea gardens. At the same time, there has been a brisk demand for dust grades in sale 51thanks to useful support extended by exporters. This was evident from the increased sales percentage of 98 per cent out of the offered quantity of 3,16,526 kg.
Global Tea Auctioneers said that the offered quantity in leaf category was 12,93,159 kg with a sales percentage of 86. In CTC leaf, the high-priced teas sold dearer by ₹5 to 6 and more at times in line with quality. The better liquoring sorts were lower easier by ₹1 to 2.
The better medium sorts were lower by ₹1 to 2 with some withdrawals. The mediums and plainer sorts sold dearer by ₹2to 3
In leaf orthodox, the primary whole leaf grades sold dearer by ₹3 to 4 and more at times. The primary brokens were also up by ₹3 to 4. The secondaries and Fannings were fully firm to dearer by ₹2 to 3.
The high priced varieties in CTC dust were lower by ₹4 to 5 and better liquoring sorts was dearer by ₹2 to 3. The better medium sorts sold dearer by ₹2 to 3. The mediums sorts had very good demand and sold dearer by ₹4 to 5 and more at times. The plainer sorts were up by ₹2 to 3. Generally a good demand was noticed in the overall CTC dust sale.
The primary orthodox dust grades sold dearer by ₹4 to 5. The secondaries and finer dusts were lower by ₹1 to 2.
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