Help Me Lose Weight, I’ll Do Anything

Help me lose weight!
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I wish I had a dollar for everytime that I have heard – “help me lose weight.” And if I also had a dollar for everytime that I have been told – “I’ll do anything to lose this fat!” – I’d be a very rich man. Should I have a dollar for everytime someone has told me that they are not willing to do as we at David’s Way to Health and Fitness direct, even my kids and grandchildren would never have to work if they didn’t want to.

Okay, the riches I could have might be a tad bit overstated, but some people just become tiresome when we try to teach them how to permanently lose weight. To be honest, it often seems as if people, men and women alike, like the idea of weight-loss, but they do not want to actually do what it takes to lose those extra pounds of fat.

 What is it that drives my conclusion that most people are really not that serious about weight-loss you may ask?

People ask us what they have to do to lose weight. To which I will then ask them a few questions such as:

  • Do you know why it is that permanent weight-loss has been elusive for you? About 90% of people will tell me that they do not know why it is they cannot lose weight. They will almost always say that they have tried everything under the sun, but have never found success.
  • I will ask people if they know how many calories a day they consume, and the never ending answer is always – “I really do not eat that much.” It may be true that they do not believe that they eat too much, but the sad fact is – if you are obese, you are eating too many calories each day. Here’s the real deal, no one, not even you are a special snowflake where the laws of thermodynamics doesn’t apply to them. If you are fat, you eat more than you need to fuel your body for the day.
  • I will inquire if they know how much of their daily food intake consists of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. I have never had a single person answer this in the affirmative. To take this a step further, when I ask people how much of their carbohydrate intake is made up from simple and complex carbohydrates. Posing this question usually makes them look like a deer in the headlights, or as if I have a third eye sprouting out of my forehead.
  • How much do you understand about the functions of your body, and the impact that food has upon both your health and weight? The vast majority of people that Brenda Sue and I encounter either do not know the answer to this question, or conversely, they simply do not want to fess up to having knowledge of these things. Facts do not care about feelings, everyone, from every age group, should know how different foods affect their health and weight.
  • What is your goal for weight-loss? Can you guess how dumb it sounds when a 40+ year old woman says that they want to be down to the weight they were when they graduated from high school. This answer truly makes me feel as if I have lost a few IQ points upon hearing this. If you weighed 110 pounds at 18 years old, and 20 to 30 years or more later you are tipping the scale well above 200 pounds, you are not likely to ever get back down to that weight again. And if you did, odds are pretty good that your health will suffer from trying to lose your body fat too fast, or you will have unsightly loose skin that often never shrinks down to fit your frame again. Everyone wants to lose weight quickly, but to lose weight in a healthy manner, it must be slower than most people want for it to take. Face it, if it took you a few decades to become obese, it will take a while to return to a healthy percentage of body fat. Forget a number on the scale, concentrate instead on achieving a healthy body fat percentage. And the best way besides good nutritional habits to achieve this healthy percentage is through resistance training. Resistance training builds muscle, when you run while at a caloric deficit, it will cause you to lose lean muscle tissue, which sets you up to become “skinny fat”.
  • Are you willing to give up foods that contain added sugar? In the 6 years or so since we began this website, I can’t think of a single time that anyone has ever said that they would give up their treats and other foods that contain added sugar. The irony here is that this answer comes so shortly after they have said that they would do anything to lose weight. It kind of reminds of the song by MeatLoaf titled, “I will do anything for love, but I won’t do that.”

If you are serious about losing weight and getting healthy, you will do what it takes to get the fat off of your body, including giving up your junk food. Other places will tell you that this is not necessary to do, however, you must consider that commercial weight-loss businesses make their money on stringing you along to increase their profit margin. I believe in free markets, but I find most commercial, for profit, weight-loss businesses to be appalling in their business practices.

Here at David’s Way to Health and Fitness, we have not, nor will we ever charge you for access to all that we have written and published to educate you on healthy weight-loss. Brenda Sue and I have authored over 1300 articles to educate you about nutrition, fitness, and health – all of it is free for you to access here. You would be hard pressed to find this volume of educational material that we provide you with, anywhere on the internet, and for no charge to you ever.

We always advise our readers to consult with their doctor before beginning any weight-loss and/or fitness programs. The next time you visit your doctor, please feel more than free to let them peruse our website, especially the David’s Way Plan  which can be found on the drop down menu directly under the Home Page menu tab.

If you are serious about permanent weight-loss, you can contact Brenda Sue and myself through our “Contact” tab on the menu. We answer all who have questions about what we teach people regarding health weight-loss.

Money Back Guarantee!

If you look over our plan and decide that this is not how you want to lose all that extra fat on your body, then I wish you well. Give us a honest three month trial.

If you follow our weight-loss plan and do not lose weight, we will refund to you every last penny you ever spent on David’s Way to Health and Fitness.

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