10 mind-blowing black hole discoveries from 2024

Black holes are terrifying, monstrous objects with immense gravity that causes them to consume everything that crosses their event horizons.

Yet the physics-breaking power of the space-time ruptures is also part of their draw — sucking in scientists who want to study the role of black holes in sculpting galaxies and those searching for a unified theory of gravity. Here are the most monstrous black hole findings of the year.

An artist's impression of the binary system, assuming that the mysterious object is a black hole.

An artist’s impression of the binary system, assuming that the mysterious object is a black hole. (Image credit: Daniëlle Futselaar)

The known black holes that populate the universe fall into two types: those up to a few dozen times the mass of the sun and their supermassive counterparts that can weigh up to 50 billion solar masses. But exactly how the former evolved into the latter is unclear, especially as there have yet to be any confirmed sightings of black holes in their awkward intermediate phases.

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