evidence from both morphology and DNA


A new orchid species, Dendrobium jinghuanum (Epidendroideae, Orchidaceae), from Yunnan Province, China, is described and illustrated based on morphological and molecular data. Morphological investigations indicated this new orchid is similar to D. bensoniae, D. crystallinum, and D. wardianum, but it can be differentiated easily from them by associated characteristics: 7-veined sepals, 9-veined petals, a chestnut blotch on either side of lip disk, an anther cap with distinct crystalline papillae, and stems without swollen nodes. Molecular phylogeny analyses showed that D. jinghuanum is a member of section Dendrobium s.l. and sister to D. bensoniae but not D. crystallinum or D. wardianum.

Chinese orchid flora, Dendrobium sect. Dendrobium, orchid phylogenetics, Yunnan, orchids, Monocots

Dendrobium jinghuanum B.Q.Zheng & Y.Wang.
A. Flowering plant. B. Flower, dorsal view. C. Decomposition of a flower. D. Column with an anther cap, side view. E. Anther cap adhered to a column, dorsal view. F. Pollinarium. G. Anther cap, front view (left), dorsal view (middle), and side view (right).

Photographs by Bao-Qiang Zheng & Long-Hai Zou.

Dendrobium jinghuanum B.Q.Zheng & Y.Wang.
A. Ramets with vegetative and flowering stems. B. Flower, front view. C. Flower, dorsal view. D. Decomposition of a flower. E. Floral buds. F. Column with an anther cap. G. Pollinarium.

 Illustration based on the holotype, Zheng 001, by Jialin Shan.

Dendrobium jinghuanum B.Q.Zheng & Y.Wang, sp. nov.


Bao-Qiang ZHENG, Long-Hai ZOU, Xiao WAN and Yan WANG. 2020. Dendrobium jinghuanum, A New orchid Species from Yunnan, China: evidence from both morphology and DNA. Phytotaxa. 428(1); 30–42. DOI: doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.428.1.3 

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