A Step Towards Open Research Information: FAQs about the Barcelona Declaration

Research information—information about how research is conducted and communication (e.g., citation metrics)—is critical for tracking an individual’s or institution’s performance, developing policies around research and science, and ensuring equity in the scientific community. Currently, the most popular databases of such information (Web of Science, Scopus, etc.) are proprietary, and data can be accessed only after paying a fee.

The recent Barcelona Declaration, on the other hand, advocates for such research information to be open, that is, freely available to all users and without restrictions on how such data can be used.

Below, we’ve compiled some of the main questions universities, publishers, and researchers have around the Barcelona Declaration.

What is the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information?

The Barcelona Declaration is a call for the scientific community to make the following 4 commitments:

  1. To make openness the default for the research information they use and produce
  2. To use services and systems that support and enable open research information
  3. To support the sustainability of infrastructures for open research information
  4. support collective action to accelerate the transition to openness of research information

Who prepared it?

Over 25 research information experts, from organizations involved in conducting, funding, and evaluating research, as well as those providing research information infrastructures, collaborated to prepare the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information. They convened in Barcelona in November 2023 for a workshop hosted by the SIRIS Foundation.

When was it released?

April 16, 2024.

Who supports it?

The Barcelona Declaration already has an impressive list of signatories, ranging from prominent funders like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to organizations like the UK Reproducibility Network and Science Europe. cOAlitionS, Crossref, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), and Europe PMC are also in support of this declaration.

How can I learn more about it?

A webinar in English will be held on April 23 1.00-2.30pm CEST, to officially launch the Barcelona Declaration in English. Attendees can learn about the text of the Barcelona Declaration and its aims. They can also interact with members of signatory organizations and find out the next steps for community coordination. 

Organizations that would like to know more about the Declaration or that would like to sign the Declaration can email contact@barcelona-declaration.org.

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