[Botany • 2022] Pleroma joelsilvae (Melastomataceae) • A New and Endemic Species from Paraná, Brazil


A new species of the genus Pleroma, endemic to the state of Paraná, is described. Pleroma joelsilvae is morphologically similar to Pleroma oleifolium and Pleroma ursinum. Here we present the taxonomic description for the species, taxonomic comments, distribution map, illustrations made with photos from herbarium specimens, photos of the species in vivo, and conservation status assignments. According to our assessments based on IUCN criteria, P. joelsilvae is Critically Endangered (CR), because its occurrence is very restricted, and its populations are small and occurring in unprotected areas. To facilitate its recognition, we present an updated identification key for the species of Pleroma that occur in Paraná. Pleroma joelsilvae is a tribute to Joel Morais da Silva, for his extensive work as a plant collector on the staff of the “Museu Botânico Municipal de Curitiba”.

Keywords: Melastomataceae, Taxonomy, Tibouchina, Eudicots

 Illustration made with photos from herbarium specimens of Pleroma joelsilvae, based on the holotype and paratypes.
A. Branch. B. Leaf, with detail of the indumentum that covers the adaxial surface (B1), and the abaxial surface (B2) of the blade. C. Bract, adaxial surface. D. Bract, abaxial surface. E. Partial view of the inflorescence. F. Variation in bracteole size (abaxial surface). G. Flower bud, with detail of the indumentum that covers the hypanthium (G1). H. Dried flower. I. Antesepalous stamen, with detail of the pedoconnective appendages (I1), and the indumentum that covers the filament (I2). J. Antepetalous stamen, with detail of the pedoconnective appendages (J1), and the indumentum that covers the filament (J2). K. Gynoecium, with detail of the indumentum that covers the apex of the ovarium (K1). L. Immature fruit.

[A, C-E, G-L: Silva et al 9219 (UPCB); B: Engels 2380 (UPCB); F: Engels s.n. (UPCB0049003)].


 Photos of Pleroma joelsilvae in the field.
A. Flowering branch. B. Leaf, abaxial surface. C. Leaf, with detail of the indumentum that covers the abaxial surface. D. Leaf, with detail of the indumentum that covers the adaxial surface. E. Flower bud. F. Hypanthium and sepals. G. Flower in frontal view. H. Flower in lateral view showing stamens and style. I. Stamens in ventral view, showing the ventral biauriculate appendages. J. Old fruits after seed dispersal.

[Images from Meyer & Brotto 2725].

Pleroma joelsilvae F.S.Mey. & Brotto sp. nov.


Fabrício Schmitz MEYER, Marcelo Leandro BROTTO and Renato GOLDENBERG. 2022. Pleroma joelsilvae (Melastomataceae): A New and Endemic Species from Paraná, Brazil.  Phytotaxa. 554(3); 257-268. DOI: doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.554.3.4 

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