[Botany • 2025] Columnea golondrinensis (Gesneriaceae) • A New Species from Cerro Golondrinas in the northern Andes of Ecuador


Exploratory field expeditions to the Chocó forests in the northern Andes of Ecuador resulted in the discovery of a new species of Columnea (Gesneriaceae). Columnea golondrinensis J.L.Clark, sp. nov., is described as a narrow endemic from the cloud forests of Cerro Golondrinas in the Carchi Province near the northern Ecuadorian border with Colombia. The oval leaves with a rust-colored multicellular hispid indumentum, terrestrial subwoody habit and deeply bilabiate dark purple corollas with glandular trichomes differentiate this taxon from all other congeners. Based on IUCN guidelines, a preliminary conservation status of Vulnerable (VU) is provided for C. golondrinensis.

Key words: Chocó, Colombia, Columnea, Ecuador, Gesneriaceae, taxonomy

Columnea golondrinensis J.L.Clark
A recurved lower lip of bilabiate corolla B, C lateral views of flower D abaxial surface of flowering shoot E adaxial surface of flowering shoot (A–E from J.L. Clark et al. 18185).

Photos by J.L. Clark.

 Columnea golondrinensis J.L.Clark, sp. nov.


Diagnosis. Vegetatively similar to Columnea suffruticosa J.F. Sm. & L.E. Skog due to the presence of ovate leaves with a rust-colored multicellular hispid indumentum, but differing in the terrestrial habit (vs. epiphytic habit in C. suffruticosa) and deeply bilabiate corolla (vs. uniformly tubular corolla in C. suffruticosa). The deeply bilabiate corolla, dark purple corolla tube, and glandular trichomes throughout the upper and lower lobes are unique characters not found in any other known species of Columnea.

Etymology. The specific epithet reflects the type locality, Cerro Golondrinas, where this species is presumably endemic.

 John L. Clark. 2025. Columnea golondrinensis (Gesneriaceae), A New Species from Cerro Golondrinas in the northern Andes of Ecuador. PhytoKeys. 253: 57-65. DOI: doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.253.144114

Resumen: Las expediciones de campo exploratorias a los bosques del Chocó en los Andes del norte de Ecuador resultaron en el descubrimiento de una nueva especie de Columnea (Gesneriaceae). Columnea golondrinensis J.L.Clark, sp. nov., se describe como una endémica restringida a los bosques nublados del Cerro Golondrinas, en la provincia de Carchi, cerca de la frontera norte de Ecuador con Colombia. Las hojas ovaladas con un indumento híspido multicelular de color óxido, el hábito subleñoso terrestre y las corolas profundamente bilabiadas de color púrpura oscuro con tricomas glandulares diferencian a este taxón de todos sus congéneres. Según las directrices de la UICN, se proporciona un estatus preliminar de conservación de Vulnerable (VU) para C. golondrinensis.

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