The Labour Ministry on Friday said about ₹1,570 crore was disbursed to more than 68 lakh pensioners after rolling out the new Centralised Pension Payments System (CPPS) across the country under the Employees’ Pension Scheme last month.
The first pilot of CPPS was successfully completed in October, 2024, in Karnal, Jammu and Srinagar Regional Offices with the pension disbursement of about ₹11 crore to more than 49,000 EPS pensioners.
Likewise, the second pilot was taken up in November, 2024, in 24 Regional Offices in which around ₹213 crores pension was disbursed to more than 9.3 lakh pensioners.
Announcing the successful rollout, Union Minister Mansukh Mandaviya said, “The full-scale implementation of the Centralised Pension Payments System (CPPS) across all Regional Offices of EPFO is a historic milestone. This transformative initiative empowers pensioners to access their pension seamlessly from any bank, any branch, anywhere in the country. It eliminates the need for physical verification visits and simplifies the pension disbursement process. CPPS is a testament to our commitment to modernizing EPFO services and ensuring convenience, transparency, and efficiency for our pensioners. With this rollout, we are setting a new benchmark in pension service delivery, aligning with the vision of a tech-enabled and member-centric EPFO.”
In CPPS, the pensioner will be able to withdraw pension from any bank and they need not visit the bank for any verification at the time of commencement of pension.
The pension shall be immediately credited upon release, the Ministry said.
From this month onwards, the CPPS system would also ensure disbursement of pension throughout the country without the need for transfer of Pension Payment Orders (PPO) from one office to another even when the pensioner moves from one location to another or changes his bank or branch.
This would be a great relief to pensioners who move to their hometown after retirement, the Ministry observed.
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