I can’t quite believe it’s time for British Science Week again already. It seems like two minutes since we were planning our space themed experiments last year. If like me, the time has run away from you and you need some easy ideas for British Science Week, we’ve got some suggestions that might help. I also have a new science book with lots of fun edible science experiments for kids!
The theme for British Science Week 2023 is connections.
Connections Activities for Kids
Model Neuron
Make a model neuron, to learn about connections between nerve cells.
Chain Reactions
Set up a chain reaction with outdoor items or small indoor items like dominoes, thinking carefully about the connections between each part of the chain.
Edible Life Cycle
Create an edible life cycle to discover how each stage is connected.
Food Chains
Build food chains or webs to learn about producers and consumers.
Ecology Experiments for Kids
Make a model of a polar habitat, this is a great way to learn about how animals adapt to their surroundings.
Another easy investigation for younger children is to model melting polar ice caps.
A homemade wormery is fun to make and a good way to make observations over time.
This mini ecosystem from Stir the Wonder is lovely too.
We made this visual model of sea pollution a few years ago and a clean up oil spill investigation is always fun to carry out and thought provoking too.
Space Science Investigation Ideas for British Science Week
This post comes with a full instruction book and printable challenge cards for lots of space themed investigation ideas for kids. The paper spinners are especially easy and inexpensive. You could even turn them into a whole school challenge, perhaps who can make the slowest falling spinner?
Set Up a Slime Lab
Another easy idea for British Science Week is to make different slimes and spend time exploring the textures. We even designed a test to investigate which slime gave the best splat!
Make a square bubble
Try some bubble science! You could set up a make-your-own bubble wand station or investigate how to make a square bubble.
Or how about finding out how to make giant bubbles? We made our own mixture and used a hula hoop as a wand.
Edible Igneous Rocks
Make some edible igneous rocks with Rainy Day Mum.
You could also try one of my easy rock investigations, I have a whole booklet with activity ideas for identifying and classifying rock available to download.
Investigate How Craters Form
Discover how craters form with this easy crater investigation using flour and marbles.
Try a Traditional Science Experiment
Investigate density and chemical reactions with a lava lamp, make a coke and mento geyser or make and test red cabbage indicator.
Make it a STEM Challenge
Build and test a bridge, design and test a zip wire for an egg or try one of our many other science experiments and STEM Challenges for kids.
What are you doing for British Science Week? We’d love you to share your ideas with us.
Last Updated on March 12, 2023 by Emma Vanstone
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