Fido and Koodo offering 100GB plans for as low as $34 per month

Fido and Koodo are both offering sales on their bring-your-own-device (BYOD) plans that include 100GB of data for $34 per month with some conditions.

Earlier this week, all of the Big Three’s flanker brands started selling 100GB 4G plans, but as the competition heats up, the deals keep getting better and better.


The best plan at Fido currently offers 100GB for $34 per month as long as you sign up for the company’s autopay discount. This means as long as you attach a credit or debit card to the account to automatically pay each month, you’ll get a lot of 4G data for a super low price.

That said, this plan’s fine print clarifies that the $34 price is only for five months, and after that, it will go up to $44 with the autopay discount. If you don’t autopay, it’s $54 per month.

On Fido’s site, it’s listed as an 80GB plan, but the fine print mentions that it comes with a bonus of 20GB per month, bringing the total to 100GB.


The Telus-owned brand has a similar deal. This means you get a five-month discount, bringing the price for 100GB of 4G data down to $34 from the regular sale price of $44. These prices are contingent on you signing up for autopay as well, though Koodo’s autopay discount is $5/mo and the base plan price is $49 without autopay.

Virgin Plus

While Virgin Plus doesn’t offer any comparable $34 plans, it is offering 100GB for $44, which is fairly close and the same price once the five-month discount goes away on the other plans.

What are the differences?

While both plans look the same on the surface, there are a few differences between them.

First up is the difference between Telus and Rogers’ networks. Both will be fast enough for most regular users and are limited to the 4G networks. So, depending on where you live and what brand has better service in your area should be the main deciding factor. It’s also worth noting that Telus runs on Bell’s networks in a lot of central and eastern Canada. Also of note is that Koodo has a lower cap on 4G speeds, offering only up to 100Mbps, while Fido caps 4G at 150Mbps.

Beyond that, Koodo’s voicemail options are a little better, allowing you to store up to 10 messages compared to Fido’s three.

Koodo also has the upper hand with its perks. You can choose one when you check out, and they include even more voice mail storage, unlimited international texting, rollover data and unlimited long-distance to 27 select countries.

Fido’s perk is a five-hour unlimited data boost each month that lets you use unlimited data for a five-hour period once a month. Additionally, Fido’s plan includes unlimited calling and texting from Canada to the U.S., Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, India, Mexico, and U.K.

Source: Koodo, Fido

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