Virgin Plus and Koodo have changed up their plans again just a day after ending Boxing Week deals.
Both providers have moved to match plans from Fido, and now offer the following two options, aside from other ‘basic’ or ‘starter’ options:
Notably, these new plans are slightly more expensive than what Virgin and Koodo had before, but they also come with more data.
Yesterday, Virgin had $44/20GB, $49/40GB and $54/60GB plans, while Koodo had $39/20GB, $44/40GB and $49/60GB plans.
There are some notable differences between Virgin’s plans and Koodo’s. First, Virgin caps data speeds at up to 150Mbps, faster than Koodo’s 100Mbps cap. Additionally, Virgin offers unlimited international texting in its plans. Koodo, on the other hand, offers a free perk that users can select — international texting is one of the options, but users can also pick things like rollover data. Finally, Koodo’s plan prices include a $5/mo autopay discount.
Overall, the changes are pretty meh. Sure, prices are up slightly, but they were already up significantly compared to Boxing Week offers. Frankly, it seems like people are more interested in cheaper plans with less data, so I’m not sure the extra roughly 10-15GB of data will entice many.
Suffice it to say, now is not a good time to get a phone or switch your plans.
You can find Virgin’s plans here, or Koodo’s plans here. Check out our rate plan tool to find the best plan for you.
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