Letters to Editor – The Hindu BusinessLine

Shift likely in RBI’s focus

With reference to ‘RBI has responsibility in ensuring India’s continued growth: Malhotra’ (December 12), the new RBI Governor Sanjay Malhotra appears to have a different approach from his predecessor towards monetary policy, given his stress on economic growth and absence of any reference to containing inflation. Growth of course is extremely important, but inflation must continue to be addressed and in focus. A balance needs to be struck between the measures to tackle inflation and policy formulations aimed at economic growth. Malhotra’s statement that ‘information, knowledge and expertise’ is available within RBI as well as outside is noteworthy and points to his likely approach towards policy formulation through consultation with all quarters of repositories of knowledge. His earlier active participation, contribution and experience in fiscal policy formulation at the Centre would definitely stand him in good stead while guiding the Monetary Policy Committee.

Kosaraju Chandramouli


Collective farming

Apropos ‘Transforming agriculture’ (December 12), the collective farming model can by all means help marginal and small farmers use modern techniques of production and reap good returns individually and collectively. The most important merit in collective farming is that the aforesaid farmers will not fall an easy prey to unorganised money market players, who charge usurious rates of interest for their loans. Collective farming can be a game-changer in the agricultural sector. But farmers should understand the spirit of the model and come together to ameliorate their economic condition.

S Ramakrishnasayee


A sustainable approach

The collective farming approach for small farmers, with back-end support of funding and guidance from social enterprises and NGOs, is a novel idea to ensure their sustainability. Additionally, imparting skills and innovation in the farm segment by nudging the children of the small farmers to actively participate in developing innovative and resourceful products backed by digital technologies would improve the produce and yield scalability in the long run.

Also, there is a need for forming exclusive FPOs consisting of members from this marginal segment, for securing competitive prices for their produce, seed protection, better yield, etc.

Sitaram Popuri


Provide social security

It refers to ‘Institutions must act when freebies go overboard’ (December 12). There is no doubt that Maiya Samman Yojana in Jharkhand and Ladli Behna Yojana in Maharashtra have clinched the deal for the ruling alliances in these States, but all political parties to look beyond these welfare schemes and provide social security, skills and jobs so that women from underprivileged sections get to lead a dignified life and not merely depend on these freebies from State governments. All political parties will have to keep populism aside for the better economics.

Bal Govind


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