Udhayanidhi Stalin, the Deputy Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, inaugurated the 45,000 sq. ft. MCC-MRF Innovation Park on the Madras Christian College (MCC) campus. This facility was established with ₹30 crore in funding from the Chennai-based MRF Foundation.
The MCC-MRF Innovation Park is an initiative designed to promote innovative research, support start-up ventures, and nurture emerging talent. Its mission is to foster creativity, enable ground breaking ideas, and empower the next generation of entrepreneurs and innovators.
The Park will focus on key areas such as business analytics, nanomaterials, big data analytics, computational informatics, and healthcare and digital solutions.
During the inauguration, Udhayanidhi Stalin highlighted Tamil Nadu’s ambitious goal of supporting over 5,000 start-ups in the coming years. “I am confident that this innovation park will contribute to the creation of hundreds of start-up companies, boosting Tamil Nadu’s economy and elevating India’s economy to the next level,” he said.
First innovation centre
The Deputy Chief Minister also lauded the initiative, noting that it is the first innovation centre in the country to be set up at an arts and science college, spanning an impressive 45,000 sq. ft.
The Innovation Park will also feature an amphitheatre, pavilions, and multi-purpose spaces for hosting cultural events, seminars, and workshops. It will include co-working spaces to encourage collaboration among innovators and entrepreneurs, fostering creativity and cultural exchange.
K M Mammen, Chairman of the MCC Association & Board of Directors and Chairman of MRF Limited, stated that the collaboration between MCC and MRF as a strong example of how partnerships between institutions can create lasting opportunities. “The MCC-MRF Innovation Park represents a unique chance to nurture future leaders and innovators by offering access to advanced resources, expert mentorship, and a platform to transform ideas into impactful solutions,” he said.
T M Anbarasan, Tamil Nadu Minister for MSMEs, Arun Mammen, Vice Chairman of MRF and P Wilson, Principal & Secretary of the MCC Association, among others were also present at the inauguration.
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