Rumor mill: Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite chips, which spearheaded a recent push to promote Arm-based Windows, have exclusively powered laptops so far. However, new reports suggest that the company’s next-generation lineup will fulfill its promise to expand into desktops following its canceled mini PC.
Established leaker Roland Quandt believes the previously leaked follow-up to Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite series of CPUs is intended for desktops. Numerous laptops featuring the chips launched earlier this year running an Arm-based version of Windows, and the company aims to expand into other form factors.
The Snapdragon X2 Elite (or possibly X Elite 2), codenamed Project Glymur, initially appeared in international import-export databases in late September, according to WinFuture. Hardware details are scarce, but Qualcomm previously used special housing to test the NAND and RAM chips for a new flagship processor with the model number SC8480XP.
I think Qualcomm is coming for the desktop with Snapdragon “X Elite 2”. They’re testing “Project Glymur” SC8480XP with an AIO liquid cooler feat 120mm fan(s?), just like what you’d use in a (gaming) desktop
– Roland Quandt ( December 9, 2024 at 8:26 PM
Quandt reports that the company has begun testing the CPU with AIO liquid coolers resembling those typically used for gaming desktops, suggesting Qualcomm is aiming for higher-end sectors. Snapdragon X Elite laptops have demonstrated modest gaming performance thus far, but seeing what they can accomplish with higher power budgets could be intriguing.
The company announced plans to bring Snapdragon to all PC form factors at a July Computex presentation but has since remained silent on the subject. Qualcomm unveiled a Snapdragon X Elite mini PC for use as a dev kit earlier in the year but abruptly ceased selling and supporting the device in October.
Geekom might become the first company to release a Snapdragon X desktop. The mini PC manufacturer hasn’t formally announced the device, but a leaked promo image reveals that it will be called the QS series and house the top-end X Elite CPU in an aluminum chassis.
Although various laptop manufacturers released new models featuring Qualcomm’s chips, they haven’t amassed a significant presence in the overall PC market yet. Lower prices, which the company promises will come next year, could help attract customers.
GenAI is a primary selling point of Snapdragon X Elite and other “AI PC” processors, but users have shown little interest in the technology. Instead, Qualcomm’s main advantage might be longer battery life, with some laptops featuring the company’s chips lasting a whole day on a single charge.
The likelihood of desktops running Windows on Arm is expected to increase with the emergence of Arm CPUs from other manufacturers. Nvidia has teased plans for one in 2025, and Arm previously stated that more clients are preparing chips.
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