As per the directives of the Railway Board, the Southern Railway will augment the composition of two Vande Bharat Express trains based on operational and commercial feasibility. This will enhance passengers’ travel experience by increasing the seating capacity of these prestigious semi-high-speed trains.
Train No.20634/20633 Thiruvananthapuram Central—Kasaragod—Thiruvananthapuram Central Vande Bharat Express will operate with a 20-car Vande Bharat rake from January 10 at both ends.
The existing 16-coach Vande Bharat has 14 chair cars and two executive chair cars. The 20-coach train will have 18 chair cars and two executive chair cars.
Train No. 20666/20665 Tirunelveli – Chennai Egmore – Tirunelveli Vande Bharat Express will operate with 16-Car Vande Bharat rake with effect from January 11 from both the ends, says a release.
The present train has eight coaches, seven chair cars, and one executive car. The 16-coach train will have 14 chair cars and two executive cars, the release said.
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