A large number of geometrid moths was collected by the first author in Iraqi Kurdistan including several undescribed species and subspecies. In this paper we describe three new geometrid taxa: Idaea medianocturna walaila ssp. nov., Lulavia mahwii sp. nov. and Protorhoe drechseli nebuloides ssp. nov. We present differential diagnoses and images of adult moths and genitalia.
Lepidoptera, Idaea, Lulavia, Protorhoe, fauna
Lulavia mahwii sp. nov., paratype, male. |
Lulavia mahwii Khudhur & Hausmann, sp. nov.
Differential diagnosis: In wing coloration and pattern no significant difference from Israeli Lulavia multipunctata (Staudinger, 1898). Male genitalia are very similar to those of L. multipunctata, but transtilla sclerites of the latter rounded towards the centre, less projecting, cornutus (bundle of microspinules) shorter: 0.3–0.4 mm.
Etymology: The species is named after Mahwi who was one of the most prominent classical Kurdish poet and Sufis from Kurdistan. Mahwi was always using “Parwana – in Kurdish” meaning “Moth” as moth and flame metaphor in his poems.
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