Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi left the Assembly within 3 minutes on the first day of the 2025 session. He wanted the National Anthem to be sung in the Assembly.
A few MLAs protested against the Governor giving the speech. Following this, the AIADMK members protested on the Anna University issue. The governor then left without reading his prepared text. The speaker read the Governor’s speech.
The governor on social media said, “The Constitution of Bharat and the National Anthem were once again insulted in the Tamil Nadu Assembly today. Respecting the National Anthem is among the first Fundamental Duty as enshrined in our Constitution. It is sung in all the state legislatures at the beginning and the end of Governor’s address. Today on arrival of Governor to the House only Tamil Thaai Vaazhthu was sung. Governor respectfully reminded the House of its Constitutional Duty and fervently appealed to the Hon’ble Chief Minister who is the Leader of the House and the Hon’ble Speaker for singing the National Anthem. However, they cussedly refused. It is a matter of grave concern. Not to be a party to such brazen disrespect to the Constitution and the National Anthem, Governor in deep anguish left the House.”
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